
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Currently April...a little late.

I linked up with Oh boy 3rd grade on this page.

**Working on my blog, as I watch TV.  Next I turn on my guilty pleasure...Dance Mom's.  I love that show!  Makes me feel like a better teacher anyway.  :)
**Our weekend was rough, but I love my family.  I have a wonderful husband, and 2 beautiful kids that teach me daily!
** I just started a fun Economics project with my 3rd graders.  We are making business plans for a service!  They are very excited about it.  Once I get it finished, and typed up, it will be available in my TPT store.
**Regular pop is my drink.  I've been on weight watchers for 2 years.  Just maintaining right now, but lost 50 pounds!  So, I have to limit my regular pop....and diet is sooo bad for you too.  :(
**I have fallen out of my routine.  I am hoping that I will be able to change that.  I need to find new motivation.
**This goes for everything.  I think about this often as a teacher.  I don't want to stay the same teacher, I want to challenge myself and change myself.

Have a great evening!


  1. Hi there! I just found your blog thanks to the TPT forum and I'm glad I did. I'm always on the lookout for fellow 3rd grade blogger teachers. You made me laugh with your Dance Mom comment. My daughter and I love to watch that program together and we are always stunned by the things Ms. Abby says and does. It definitely makes ME feel like a better teacher!

    Come visit when you get a chance...

  2. Thanks Melissa. I just visited your site and followed you. Blogging is such a great way to connect and get great ideas.


  3. I love blogging and watching TV at the same time and congrats on the weight maintenance! That is the toughest part! Following the rule of 3!

    Cute blog!

  4. Thanks for swinging by my blog :) I came by to say hi and am going to stay :) I love your URL address :) Tigger is my favorite Winnie the Pooh character! Good for you on your weight!! I'm sorry to say that my eating habits have been atrocious while on holiday and I have gained 5 pounds. Huge sigh! I need some self discipline :(


    Fun in the Fours

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I haven't stepped on the scale since Easter...a bit worried about all that candy I ate. Yikes!


  5. I'm not sure how I stumbled across your blog- I was blog hopping my way around and saw the currently (I like these because they're a bit more personal than the normal teaching posts). Congratulations on your weight loss! You must have worked so hard! I have to say I love that you're choosing to drink regular pop over diet. I too think that the artificial rubbish is so much worse for you than actual sugar!

    x Serena x
    Magic Mistakes & Mayhem

  6. Hi Andrea! Welcome to blogging...I hope you love it as much as I do. It is so encouraging. I am definitely a better teacher because of it.

    I am a Diet Coke drinker and I know I shouldn't be. =(

    I am happy to be your newest follower. I would love for you to hop over and visit when you get the chance. =)

    Heather's Heart

    1. Thank you for stopping by! I stopped by your blog and followed you. Doing the blog, facebook and TPT has made me a more reflective teacher, for sure!


  7. Andrea,
    I've been trying to give up that regular soda too and it's hard!!! Just love the taste of a cold Mt. Dew. Your blog is looking great!!


    Table Talk with C & C
